Sunday, May 1, 2011

Classroom Examples of Wikis

Wikis for Social Studies: Students make notes about the different units they are reading to help consolidate their knowledge around the concepts they are learning.

Wiki ideas in Science: A student glossary of scientific terms with illustrations and definitions added by the class(using original digital photos or those from other online Creative Commons sources, such as Flickr). Linking to separate pages with detailed information allows the main glossary list to remain reasonably short.

A taxonomy of living things with information about each branch in the study of Biology over a full year.

Designs of experiments (and resulting lab reports) for a chemistry class.

Observations from field sites, such as water testing in local streams, weather observations from across a state, or bird counts during migratory season. This activity would also work well as a collaboration with other schools in different states.

Detailed and illustrated descriptions of scientific processes: how mountains form, etc.

(Crane, 67)

Source: Crane, Beverley E. Using Web 2.0 tools in the K-12 classroom. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2009. Print.


  1. My first post! I'm curious to see the application value of this for my class.

  2. Check out the links to the side of sample blogs and wikis--they might give you some inspiration.

  3. @A.J. I found that Heppler's use of the WIKI interesting. Have you also looked at Google Sites?
